Friday, January 30, 2009


A week has passed and things have happened. Too many things to give a clear account of, if not in a somewhat systematical order. Let's start where things stopped - Malcolm.

As it turns out, nothing happened between Malcolm and Electra. She joined him and his flat mate at an after party in their house. After drinks and whatnot, they went to bed. Electra insisting and Malcolm resisting. Malcolm was not sure it would be such a good idea but Electra disagreed. In the end she gave up and, after some hours of sleep, she went home in the early afternoon the next day. She did not hear from him all week, but invited him over for some wine this evening. He came, had wine, listened to some music, and left. Electra would like to have him as a bed buddy.
She has two theories to explain this craving (because it's definitely not his sexual skills):

She is no longer with Peter and needs male, physical contact. Malcolm is simply a replacement.
2. She genuinely likes him.
She hopes it is number 2.

As for Sebastian - he has not been heard from.

Billy, however, has been a loyal candidate. They sent each other messages every now and then, and had a nice lengthy conversation on Tuesday or so. He mentioned that they would be married in five years, which was a bit odd. He made her laugh, at times because of a joke and at times because of his farmer-Goofy voice. They still had a loose arrangement to meet on Thursday.
When Thursday arrived, Electra was deeply occupied with a new suitor (see below) and so she could not care less when Billy did not text her all day Thursday to let her know whether they would meet or not. When he finally called in the evening to apologize, she was chirpy and telling him not to worry. (For extra information on possible reactions, please see entry 2, section Sebastian.)
Electra is certain she is not interested in Billy but does not rule out meeting him, as she is curious how this type of person might look and act in real life. He texted her tonight asking how her weekend has been. She hasn't answered. Yet.

The new entry to the arena is Mark. Mark and Electra met on on Tuesday.

-188 cm (according to profile)
-35 years old
-teeth not noticed due to other appearance issues
-the best in his field of whatever he does
-damaged goods

They started sending each other emails, one after the other, and they got longer and longer. Electra wanted to meet right away but Mark was reluctant. He told her he is not good at meeting new people unless it's through work, and said he was still scarred by his previous relationship.
So they kept emailing. Several long emails at all hours. He also sent her a few songs he had written, which were wonderful. Unfortunately, he asked few questions about Electra but yet he seemed like the perfect man. He also seemed to be OK looking, according to his photos on In one of them, he looked cute and perhaps a bit vulnerable, and in the other, he looked like an American jock, i.e. not so good. Still - everything else seemed perfect. He could even be The One.
Thursday night, they were emailing each other until 2 am and Mark decided that was the time. Time for them to meet. Now or never. He decided to confess that it wasn't him, but his cousin in the photos, and sent her a real one. He looked different but not too bad, so no disaster. However, it was pretty cold outside, and Electra opted not to meet him.
On Friday, he surprisingly sent her a message inviting her for lunch, and in a rush she got ready and ran off. The message I received from her after the date - which sums it all up pretty well - said:

Date over. He looked different that in the photo. Not very attractive. A bit strange but very friendly. I'm very uncertain. A lot shorter than I thought. A little belly, I think. Bad clothes. Bad taste.. He paid for lunch.

He later sent her messages telling her he thought she was great and beautiful, and that he really liked her. She, on the other hand, thought he was short and had a belly and was very insecure. He also made some weird faces sometimes, so returning the compliment was not an option. She said the date had been nice.

Since then they have emailed each other a bit, but less frequently. The seemingly perfect man has turned out to be unattractive, twitchy and with no style.

But - be that as it may - Electra always does her best to be a decent human being. So when he asked her if she wanted to go for some wine tonight, she agreed. She was about to cancel when she heard he was wearing sweats and a hoodie but then she gritted her teeth and accepted the invitation.

When they left, about 20 minutes ago, they passed the window.
From up here, he looked alright.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To be continued ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~